Maksud & Definasi Terapi MiFiRo:
- MiFiRo adalah singkatan dari Minda,Fizikal,Rohani.
Ia merupakan suatu gabungan bersepadu 'Wellness Medication' yang mana tujuan utamanya untuk membangkitkan 'Self Healing System' dari 3 element Fizikal - Air 'Hidup' berpenawar serta Mineral (dari bahan purba iaitu Shilajit) & Garam Terapi serta 'Self inner strength' dari sudut Minda (separa sedar & vibrational Mind healing properties), dengan gabungan unsur penyembuhan dari Alam dan kekuatan kerohanian (pemusatan fikiran & keyakinan kepada Kuasa Tertinggi iaitu Allah S.W.T) yang merupakan tahap penyembuhan tertinggi anugerah Ilahi kepada kita semua.
Setelah mengalami penderitaan penyakit kanser darah pada tahun 2001, Dr. Noordin Darus, seorang pakar motivasi kesihatan yang tidak asing lagi di tanah air ini, bertekad untuk menjadi pelopor Kesejahteraan dengan menggunakan cara perubatan yang mudah. Beliau mengambil iktibar daripada penderitaan yang beliau lalui dengan memperkenalkan Terapi Air Penyembuh Aura atau lebih dikenali dengan Rx-Water®.
Kejayaan Rx-Water® yang menakjubkan telah memberi Dr. Noordin semangat untuk mengkaji kuasa sains perubatan air dan bagaimana ia boleh membantu manusia menangani masalah penyakit-penyakit kronik.
Kita semua tahu bahawa air adalah ibu segala ubat. Tubuh badan kita mempunyai Sistem-Penyembuhan-Semulajadi atau Self-Healing-System (SHS) dalam bahasa Inggeris. SHS kita merangkumi pertuturan, pemikiran, dan tingkah laku kita sendiri yang sebenarnya adalah sama pentingnya dengan air yang kita minum, makanan yang kita makan, persekitaran dan gaya hidup yang kita lalui. Semua penyakit datangnya daripada rohani dan fizikal. Oleh itu rawatan hendaklah merangkumi Minda, Fizikal dan Rohani. Singgahsana kesejahteraan adalah terletak dalam hati kita. Penyembuhan berlaku apabila hati kita bersih dan suci. Atas sebab-sebab inilah Dr. Noordin memperkenalkan Terapi MiFiRo (Minda, Fizikal, Rohani).
Dengan menggunakan prinsip MiFiRo, Teknologi Penyembuh Aura Rx-Water®, nutrien dan khasiat kesejahteraan yang dipindahkan melalui informasi, maka lahirlah Rx17™! Rx17™ mempunyai 7 Remedi Fizikal, 17 Khasiat Kesejahteraan dan 179 Informasi Nutrien. Rx17™ adalah penemuan yang terbaik selepas Rx-Water®. Bagi Dr. Noordin semua penyakit ada ubatnya.
Dr. Noordin sedar bahawa kebanyakan kaedah penyembuhan menggunakan sama ada Tahap Beta atau Tahap Kesedaran, iaitu apa yang kita sedar dan nampak. Ada segelintir yang menggunakan Tahap Alpha / Theta atau Tahap Separuh Sedar.
Tetapi, apa yang sering dilupakan ialah Tahap Delta atau Tahap Tak Sedar dan Tak Nampak langsung. Dr. Noordin telah menggabungkan ketiga-tiga tahap ini untuk menghasilkan satu minuman yang lengkap yang boleh dikongsi dengan orang lain.
Terapi MIFIRO adalah konsep terapi yang digunakan oleh Dr. Noordin Darus, doktor perubatan, Pakar Motivasi & Wellness Guru yang paling ternama di Malaysia. Dr, Noordin membuktikan Wellness Medication lebih berkesan dari Western Medication.
Ia menggabungkan kaedah terapi dengan 'Air Hidup' berpenawar , Cellfood dari Alam Purba & Garam bukit (sebagai Rawatan Fizikal) dengan sistem Terapi Minda & Rohani iaitu bagaimana nak melatih Minda untuk menjadi 'Commander' terhadap tubuh supaya terus sembuh selain faktor2 rawatan dengan Alam yang ramai orang tidak sedar adalah merupakan penawar yang paling ampuh.
Beliau mengajarkan sistem rawatan yang bersifat Holistik, bersyukur & meyakini kekuasaan Tuhan. Gabungan Sistem Terapi ini menjadikan konsep Terapi MIFIRO begitu berkesan kerana digunakan oleh Dr. Noordin sendiri untuk sembuh dari Kanser Darah yang beliau hidapi pada tahun 2001.
7 Langkah Asas Terapi MiFiRo ialah:
1) Air - Air RxWater/Rx17 atau Air 'hidup berpenawar' yang bersih & bermineral.
2) Mineral (RxTra - dari bahan Shilajit)
3) Garam (RxSalt)
** Kaedah umum cara minum/penggunaan 3 bahan asas di atas ialah dengan meminum sekitar 2.5L air RxWater/Rx17. Bahagikan kepada 5 bahagian (500ml utk setiap bahagian). Bahagian pertama, dititiskan 10 titis RxTra pada air (atau jumlah titis mengikut umur utk kanak2 sehingga berumur 10 tahun) dan diminum bersama2 air liur basi dalaman pada waktu pagi dengan berkumur2 terlebih dahulu. 4 bahagian berikutnya dimulai dengan secalit garam RxTra diletakkan di atas Lidah sebelum minum. Bahagian terakhir pula ditambah lagi dengan 10 titis RxTra lagi. Setiap kali sebelum minum. hendaklah dimulakan dengan doa kepada Ilahi yang dilafazkan (seumpama menawar air), selawat ke atas Nabi & Basmallah.
Detail kaedah minum ini boleh dirujuk pada upline. Saya akan buat 1 post khas tentang cara pengambilan 3 bahan asas di atas
4) Air Kelapa Muda
5) Cahaya Matahari pagi & Embun pagi
6) Bulan Purnama
7) Zikir Sihat / Terapi Minda (tell your subconcious mind that you are healthy, you are strong etc...)
(English version)
A Wellness Message in a Bottle
Humbled by his own history of blood cancer in 2001 and been declared cured after 5 years, he has decided to be a full time Wellness Crusader using simple wellness medicine.
He knew that many healing modalities work on either the Beta levels or conscious level (seen). Some work on the Alpha / Theta or the subconscious level (unseen) but there's also the Delta level or the unconscious level that is usually forgotten in many forms of treatment. Combining all these three elements together, he created a complete and wholesome wellness product for himself and for others to share.
Rx17 is among the best and the latest of his offer to help as many people as possible. He believes strongly that for every disease there is a cure. His famous tagline is "if you think wellness is expensive, try illness".
It was a very trying, complicated, controversial and revolutionary journey. After 5 long years of gestation period, research and development, Rx17 was finally born on 4/8/2008.
This amazing discovery present the incorporation of 7 levels of healing -
- Conscious (Awareness)
- Conscious (Unawareness)
- Subconscious Alpha Level
- Subconscious Theta Level
- Unconscious Delta Level
- Miracles (Beyond Current Human Understanding Level)
- God's level. The Highest, The Ultimate, The All Encompassing
- Out THOUGHTS, WORDS & DEEDS are the main culprits besides our food, water, air and life-style
- All diseases originate in the spiritual realm according to the Will of God & our own doing. It always affects the Mind, Body and Soul. (A diseased person is actually a much more complex phenomenon needing a multi-faceted, individualized treatment approached).
- Treating the body alone is insufficient since all physical manifestations start from spiritual intentions. The best way to enhance our SHS is to purify all three; The Mind, Body & Soul. When they are in harmony then Health and Happiness is real & long lasting.
- The seat of all these is in our HEARTS
- SHS works best when the Heart is purified
The whole is none than the sum of its parts and state. Your whole is the sum of its parts plus all the connected informational components. For example, you are not the only sum of the physiology biochemistry and physical energies that constitute you but also your thoughts and emotion, your life-history and experiences, genetics, environment and your surrounding aura, lifestyle, etc.
Rx17 is at its best when you are ready to heal yourself; SELF HEALING SYSTEM (SHS).
Rx17 is more than just radionic, electronic or resonance based programming or coding and is not just an ordinary energized mineral water that is already in the market.
Based on verified new principles, Rx17 accesses the energetic and informational realm where it is possible to provide balance for the Mind, Body and Soul (MiFiRo Science).
This MIFIRO Science dates all possibilities to evaluate and balance stress that until now had no explanation, such as most mental and emotional disturbances. Also for the first time in history, Rx17 integrates a complete range of 17 natural modalities into one smart drinkable water and make it possible to balance all the 3 elements of life (Mind, Body and Soul). Rx17 can be regarded as an elixir tonic to promote longevity and wellness of health.
The use of information in all its forms including words, signs, rituals, timing and mind control is important part of Dr. Noordin's new creation, however unrecognized it may be or even dismissed as Placebo. Rx17 does provide a new approach to health and wellness with 5 years track record and upgrading of its original Rx-Water7. The whole is none than the sum of its parts and state. Your whole is the sum of its parts plus all the connected informational components. For example, you are not the only sum of the physiology biochemistry and physical energies that constitute you but also your thoughts and emotion, your life-history and experiences, genetics, environment and your surrounding aura, lifestyle, etc.
Rx17 is at its best when you are ready to heal yourself; SELF HEALING SYSTEM (SHS).
Rx17 is more than just radionic, electronic or resonance based programming or coding and is not just an ordinary energized mineral water that is already in the market.
Based on verified new principles, Rx17 accesses the energetic and informational realm where it is possible to provide balance for the Mind, Body and Soul (MiFiRo Science).
This MIFIRO Science dates all possibilities to evaluate and balance stress that until now had no explanation, such as most mental and emotional disturbances. Also for the first time in history, Rx17 integrates a complete range of 17 natural modalities into one smart drinkable water and make it possible to balance all the 3 elements of life (Mind, Body and Soul). Rx17 can be regarded as an elixir tonic to promote longevity and wellness of health.
The use of information in all its forms including words, signs, rituals, timing and mind control is important part of Dr. Noordin's new creation, however unrecognized it may be or even dismissed as Placebo. Rx17 does provide a new approach to health and wellness with 5 years track record and upgrading of its original Rx-Water7. Rx17 is at its best when you are ready to heal yourself; SELF HEALING SYSTEM (SHS).
Rx17 is more than just radionic, electronic or resonance based programming or coding and is not just an ordinary energized mineral water that is already in the market.
Based on verified new principles, Rx17 accesses the energetic and informational realm where it is possible to provide balance for the Mind, Body and Soul (MiFiRo Science).
This MIFIRO Science dates all possibilities to evaluate and balance stress that until now had no explanation, such as most mental and emotional disturbances. Also for the first time in history, Rx17 integrates a complete range of 17 natural modalities into one smart drinkable water and make it possible to balance all the 3 elements of life (Mind, Body and Soul). Rx17 can be regarded as an elixir tonic to promote longevity and wellness of health.
The use of information in all its forms including words, signs, rituals, timing and mind control is important part of Dr. Noordin's new creation, however unrecognized it may be or even dismissed as Placebo. Rx17 does provide a new approach to health and wellness with 5 years track record and upgrading of its original Rx-Water7. Rx17 is more than just radionic, electronic or resonance based programming or coding and is not just an ordinary energized mineral water that is already in the market.
Based on verified new principles, Rx17 accesses the energetic and informational realm where it is possible to provide balance for the Mind, Body and Soul (MiFiRo Science).
This MIFIRO Science dates all possibilities to evaluate and balance stress that until now had no explanation, such as most mental and emotional disturbances. Also for the first time in history, Rx17 integrates a complete range of 17 natural modalities into one smart drinkable water and make it possible to balance all the 3 elements of life (Mind, Body and Soul). Rx17 can be regarded as an elixir tonic to promote longevity and wellness of health.
The use of information in all its forms including words, signs, rituals, timing and mind control is important part of Dr. Noordin's new creation, however unrecognized it may be or even dismissed as Placebo. Rx17 does provide a new approach to health and wellness with 5 years track record and upgrading of its original Rx-Water7. Based on verified new principles, Rx17 accesses the energetic and informational realm where it is possible to provide balance for the Mind, Body and Soul (MiFiRo Science).
This MIFIRO Science dates all possibilities to evaluate and balance stress that until now had no explanation, such as most mental and emotional disturbances. Also for the first time in history, Rx17 integrates a complete range of 17 natural modalities into one smart drinkable water and make it possible to balance all the 3 elements of life (Mind, Body and Soul). Rx17 can be regarded as an elixir tonic to promote longevity and wellness of health.
The use of information in all its forms including words, signs, rituals, timing and mind control is important part of Dr. Noordin's new creation, however unrecognized it may be or even dismissed as Placebo. Rx17 does provide a new approach to health and wellness with 5 years track record and upgrading of its original Rx-Water7. This MIFIRO Science dates all possibilities to evaluate and balance stress that until now had no explanation, such as most mental and emotional disturbances. Also for the first time in history, Rx17 integrates a complete range of 17 natural modalities into one smart drinkable water and make it possible to balance all the 3 elements of life (Mind, Body and Soul). Rx17 can be regarded as an elixir tonic to promote longevity and wellness of health.
The use of information in all its forms including words, signs, rituals, timing and mind control is important part of Dr. Noordin's new creation, however unrecognized it may be or even dismissed as Placebo. Rx17 does provide a new approach to health and wellness with 5 years track record and upgrading of its original Rx-Water7. The use of information in all its forms including words, signs, rituals, timing and mind control is important part of Dr. Noordin's new creation, however unrecognized it may be or even dismissed as Placebo. Rx17 does provide a new approach to health and wellness with 5 years track record and upgrading of its original Rx-Water7.
- Supplements of common herbs1, vitamins & minerals2, amino acids3, enzymes4 & hormones, antioxidants5, greens6, Schuessler Salts7
- Therapy such as color therapy, crystals therapy, water therapy
- Bach Flower Essences
- Anti-Toxins and Heavy Metal Detoxifications
- Homeopathy
- Natural Remedies
- Solutions for emotional stress and negative responses
- Rx17 + Rx-Tra + Early Morning Saliva
- Rx17 + Rx-Salt
- Rx17 + Rx-Salt
- Rx17 + Rx-Salt
- Rx17 + Rx-Salt + Rx-Tra
Each Rx17 bottle is carefully prepared in a GMP factory licensed by WorldWellness Network. The founder of Rx-Water7 + Rx-Tra, Dato’ Dr. Noordin Darus formulated Rx17 after 5 years of searching for the best answer to help more people after success of Rx-Water7 + Rx-Tra.
While these 2 products have helped thousands of people, he found a missing link that could be ENCHANCED by latest technology and his own intellectual vibrations.
Rx17 is NOT a medicine. We do not recommend substituting this therapy for the professional services of a medical doctor. Please consult your doctor first especially for those under medical supervision.
You are fully responsible for any results of using Rx17. We make no guarantees that Rx17 will work for everybody and there are strictly no claims of cure.
Rx17 is NOT a medicine. We do not recommend substituting this therapy for the professional services of a medical doctor. Please consult your doctor first especially for those under medical supervision.
You are fully responsible for any results of using Rx17. We make no guarantees that Rx17 will work for everybody and there are strictly no claims of cure.
- Do not boil.
- Please keep Rx17 in a dry cool place. Avoid exposure to hot sun, high temperature, electrical power source, electromagnetic devices, TV, microwave ovens, handphones, etc.
- Avoid any environment with negative aura, sound or light such as discos, pubs, casinos.
- Avoid stepping over the bottle or putting under your spat.
- Avoid using Rx17 for bad intentions.
Our body has its own natural Self Healing System (SHS). Unfortunately our SHS has never been given a chance to function fully and effectively.
Rx17 work on the informational level and can also affect issues on the energetic biochemical & structural levels. It helps to rectify the "INFORMATIONAL IMBALANCE" of your self healing system.
Rx17 is World first drinking water which uses a hybrid of Rx-Water Aura Healing Vibrational technology and Informational therapy focusing on 17 groups of "INFORMATIONAL INTENTIONS" that works best at the level of our hearts (SHS).
It includes groups of useful information from :
Recommended drinking pattern for Rx17 in a day is as follows
Total 2.5 l per day
It is advisable in a day to supplement with another liter of Rx-Water7 or any good Natural Mineral Water.