Saturday, February 21, 2015

Nak pecat bos anda?

Saya subscribe to Robert Kiyosaki newsletter and one day saya dapat email, dan kandungannya berbunyi seperti di bawah:

‘Is a job the best solution over the long run?’ the answer is No. A job is a short-term solution to a long-term problem.
The solution is not to have a job, but to have an asset. This is why the rich do not work for money. The rich work to build and obtain assets like a business or real estate.

Jika anda dah penat dengan Rat Race....9-5 job, nak cuba sesuatu yang segar...nak kan cabaran....nak tahu bagaimana nak buat RM20,000 sebulan, nak tahu ape tu Rx Gold saya ok?!